Ladies Monday Group meets usually on the first Monday of each month and all ladies are welcome to come and share with us. Our meetings cover a wide variety of different activites with the emphasis on sharing fellowship, having fun and enjoying the company of good friends.
Please see the list of our upcoming meetings below:
The group is part of Methodist Women in Britain and as such we have lots of opportunities to share with other Methodist women throughout Lancashire and all over Britain. Through MWiB we also learn about the lives of women worldwide and undertake regular fundraising activities to support various MWiB projects.
LMG Spring/Summer Programme 2024 at Kirkham Methodist Church (KMC)
Monday 8th Jan 7.45pm New Year Beetle Drive.
Monday 5th Feb 7.45pm Craft Evening led by Mrs Irene Pugmire.
Friday 1st Mar Women's World Day of Prayer - Details To Be Advised.
Monday 4th Mar 7.45pm Talk on South Africa - Speaker Deacon Kim Gabbatiss.
Monday 8th Apr 7.45pm Talk 'My Trip to Oberammergau' - Speaker Judith Smith.
Monday 13th May 7.45pm Talk 'Life of a Farmer'r Wife' - Speaker Fran Thomlinson.
Monday 3rd June 7.45pm Annual General Meeting and Buffet Supper.
Monday 1st July 7.45pm Summer Outing - Details to be advised.
If you require further information then please complete a request for information on our website contact page.